Cruising From Port Canaveral? 5 Reasons To Extend Your Stay
Are you planning a cruise to or from Port Canaveral? While most travelers focus solely on the cruise itself, they may not realize the benefits of adding more time in the area before and after the cruise. Why might you extend your stay in Port Canaveral? Here are five great reasons.
1. You Get More Bang for Your Buck
If you traveled a distance to take a cruise, you've already invested in many of the biggest vacation costs. You've paid to fly or drive all this way, arranged for transportation, taken time off work, and bought vacation supplies. So adding one, two, or three days in the area before or after sailing is a cost-effective way to get the most from your money.
2. You're Not Rushed
Many cruisers arrive on the day their ship leaves or the night before. And they have to leave as soon as they hit dry land again. This rush can add stress to your vacation, give you no time to adjust for things you forgot, and leave little wiggle room if anything goes wrong. By arriving a little earlier or leaving a little later, you can decompress and enjoy your time off more.
3. There's Lots to Explore
Big, busy port cities like Port Canaveral have a thriving life beyond the dock. From the historic Kennedy Space Center to fishing and marine wildlife viewing trips to a plethora of fresh seafood bars, you'll find something to please everyone. And while entertainment and activities on the ship are limited to what other people want to do, this time is purely your own to plan.
4. Transportation Is Easy
Port cities cater to travelers of all types, most of whom rely on local Port Canaveral transportation options. This means that such options are plentiful, simple, and cost-effective. You can arrange for transportation for solo travelers all the way to large groups of friends or family reunions. Take advantage of the infrastructure and local businesses' experience with tourists to have a stress-free time.
5. You'll Familiarize Yourself
Do you plan to cruise again? If so, do yourself a favor by becoming familiar with the port area. Get to know its lodging and transportation choices. Find favorite restaurants. Figure out where you can buy supplies, replace your glasses, or board pets. Learn the streets and how to navigate safely. A few days' stay now is reconnaissance that will improve all your future cruise trips.
Want to know more about extending your time in a port city like Port Canaveral? Consult with local lodging and transportation service providers today to learn about their services and how you can plan a stress-free vacation to complement your cruise.